**Belvin and Larenda Jones Family Reunion Bylaws**


**Article I: Name**


The name of this organization shall be Belvin and Larenda Jones Family Reunion.


**Article II: Purpose**


The purpose of the BLJ Family Reunion is to foster unity, camaraderie, and the strengthening of family bonds among members of the Jones family.


**Article III: Membership**


1. Membership in the Belvin and Larenda Jones Family Reunion is open to all descendants, spouses, and relatives of the Jones family.

2. Each member shall have one vote.

3. Membership shall be automatic for all attendees of the family reunion.


**Article IV: Officers**


1. The officers of the BLJ Family Reunion shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any additional positions deemed necessary by the Committee.

2. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the family reunion.

3. Officers shall serve indefinitely and must obtain a 2/3’s vote for a resignation of a position.


**Article V: Duties of Officers**


1. The President shall preside over all meetings and oversee the general operation of the family reunion.

2. The Vice President shall assist the President and assume the duties of the President in their absence.

3. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings and maintain records of membership.

4. The Treasurer shall manage the finances of the family reunion and provide financial reports to the members.


**Article VI: Meetings**


1. The BLJ Family Reunion shall hold regular meetings annually, with additional meetings called as needed by the President or upon request of the members.

2. Notice of meetings shall be provided to all members at least 14 days in advance.

3. A quorum consisting of 2/3’s of the members must be present to conduct official business.


**Article VII: Finances**


1. The BLJ Family Reunion shall be funded through fundraising activities, and donations.

2. The Treasurer shall maintain accurate financial records and provide a financial report at each meeting.

3. The financial records of the family reunion shall be subject to review by the members upon request.


**Article VIII: Amendments**


1. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a meeting where a quorum is met.

2. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing and distributed to all members at least 7 days prior to the meeting.


**Article IX: Dissolution**


In the event of the dissolution of the Belvin and Larenda Jones Family Reunion, any remaining assets shall be distributed to the President for Disbursement to each family representative.


**Article X: Adoption**


These bylaws shall be adopted upon approval by a majority vote of the members present at a meeting where a quorum is met.


**Article XI: Sub-committees**

Subcommittees shall be instituted annually to fulfill necessary functions of the reunion.



Signature Page


President: _________________________________________________________________


Vice President: _____________________________________________________________


Treasurer: __________________________________________________________________


Secretary: __________________________________________________________________


Date: _________________________